Dự thảo các nội dung hoạt động đại hội quốc tế về hang động ở Pháp



General Assembly – Preliminary Agenda

First Session

July 24, 2022


  1. Official opening of the General Assembly

A moment of silence – for speleologists who died since the last (17th) Congress

  1. Ascertainment of the number of Voting Delegates
  2. Salutations and thanks
  3. Approval of Minutes of the previous UIS General Assembly from Sydney (2017)
  4. Reports concerning the activities of the UIS Bureau (President, Secretary and Treasurer), Commissions, Working Groups and Committees
  5. Reports on the IYCK project
  6. Election of two auditors
  7. Election of a Committee for voting procedures at this General Assembly
  8. Presentation of approved candidate country – Brazil – to organize the 19th International Congress of Speleology (2025)
  9. Presentation and voting of new Member Countries (India and Morocco) and Old-returning Member Countries of the UIS
  10. Presentation of proposals and motions
  11. Introduction of the UIS Prizes


Second Session

July 31, 2022


  1. Report concerning the future activity of Commissions, Working Groups and Committees, and confirmation of Presidents by the Assembly General
  2. Information concerning speleological events between the International Congresses of Speleology
  3. Report of the Advisory Committee concerning the proposals, motions and decisions
  4. Report of budget auditors of 2017-2022-UIS Bureau
  5. Elections for the period 2022-2025

of the UIS President

of the UIS Vice-President of Administration

of the UIS Vice-President of Operations

of the UIS General Secretary

of the UIS Treasurer?

of other members of the UIS Bureau

  1. Statement of the new UIS President
  2. Any other business and information
  3. Thanks and closure of the Assembly General (passing on the UIS Flag)


Bài trướcHội thảo tổng kết hoạt động Khoa học và Công nghệ giai đoạn năm 2011-2021 và định hướng phát triển đến năm 2030 của lĩnh vực Địa chất và Khoáng sản
Bài tiếp theoHội nghị thường niên Tiểu ban chuyên môn về Công viên địa chất Toàn cầu Việt Nam